The global effort to improve water efficiency has been given a clear plan ahead following a recent meeting in Sydney. The international committee developing ISO 31600, Water efficient products – Rating, met at the offices of Standards Australia in Sydney to progress work on the standard.
“Clarifying a scope at these international meetings gives the committee and the associated industry a snapshot of what the standard will cover once it is published,” Standards Australia CEO Dr Bronwyn Evans said.
“Having international experts come to Australia and progress this vital work is testament to the work we have already done in contributing to international water efficiency standards,” Evans added.
The International Organisation for Standardisation Project Committee 316 (ISO/PC 316), Water efficient products – Rating meeting hosted 20 international experts from Singapore, Japan, China, the UK, the United States, Switzerland, and Australia. The week of meetings commenced with an opening address by the Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston.
“Having the Assistant Minister open the meeting and draw attention to the work of the committee as part of a global effort to promote efficient use of water proves the commitment of the Commonwealth Government in working with industry and experts to deliver for global consumers,” Evans said.
Chair of the Standards Australia Technical Committee and ISO Project Committee 316, Dr Steve Cummings, said, “While this work started in Australia, it is the developing nations of the world and countries without water efficiency standards that stand to benefit most from the work of ISO/PC 316.
“Publishing an international standard is about delivering for every nation, and the standard being developed by this committee is no exception,” Cummings said.
“The international technical expertise and collaborative effort of the Commonwealth Government, Australian industry, and the Standards Australia Technical Committee places this standard in capable hands to deliver on the water efficiency outcomes sought by consumers across the globe,” Evans concluded.