eAuditing is an audit that uses electronic means to remotely obtain audit evidence to determine the extent of conformity to the audit criteria. Companies are increasingly turning to remote auditing methods to reduce costs, but they’re also used to ensure supplier audits can continue despite travel issues, weather conditions, and safety concerns.
Even so, eAuditing still isn’t a standard auditing method. Internal auditors face reluctant regulatory and certification bodies unwilling to use the eAuditing method. Much hesitation for eAuditing stems from validation challenges and auditor uncertainty with using technology. Virtual teams have been working successfully for more than 20 years now, and to many companies, working virtually has become second nature. In this presentation, we will review environmental driving forces, learn from virtual team performance, examine five ANAB recognized steps for getting started with eAuditing, and address applicability to ISO9001:2015 and risk-based thinking.
Based on handbook eAuditing Fundamentals: Virtual Communication and Remote Auditing (ASQ Press, 2013).
Presentation Objectives:
- Examine the virtual environment.
- Definitions
- Driving forces
- Company culture challenges
- Define “Five Steps” for setting up an eAuditing structure.
- Virtual teams verses eAuditing
- Five structural elements
- Minimum auditor skill base
- Define company benefits.
- Travel vs. equipment expense
- Does the audit method matter to ISO 9001:2015?
- Overall company benefits