It is estimated speed is a direct factor in around 30 percent of all accidents on Australian roads. With COVID-19 restrictions lifting and individuals eager to start travel again, speed limit signage is part of the broader aim of keeping motorists safe.
“Through the use of standards, our priority is protecting the Australian community. With speed being such a high contributor to accidents, it is important electronic speed limit signs consistently perform and can be adjusted depending on the road conditions,” says Roland Terry-Lloyd, head of standards development at Standards Australia.
The recently published standard, AS 5156:2020, “Electronic speed limit signs” outlines requirements for the design, construction, and performance of electronic speed signs, including the use of LEDs when changing the speed remotely.
“This standard is key to informing motorists not only of the speed limit, but when the red ring of LEDs flashes it warns motorists that the speed limit is different from normal. Being able to remotely change the limit means if there is an accident or extreme weather the signs can be easily adjusted,” says Peter Aldridge, chair of the committee responsible for the standard.
“As individuals and families get back in their cars and increase their travels in the busy period of the year, we hope this standard supports the ongoing effort to keep roads across the nation safe,” concludes Terry-Lloyd.