Based on the latest information on the revision of occupational health and safety standard ISO 45001, the publication date could be extended to March 2018.
ISO/PC 283/WG1, the working group responsible for developing ISO 45001, met three weeks ago in Lithuania to work on text for DIS2 for clauses four to 10. The working group plans to reconvene in February in Vienna to complete the review of the comments received.
Based on current progress and the latest information from the working group, the expected timeline for the publication of ISO 45001 is as follows:
- February 2017–WG1 meeting to complete a review of comments
- March 2017–DIS2 to be edited and prepared
- April/May 2017–DIS2 released for translation
- June/July 2017–DIS2 ballot held
- September 2017–PC283 and WG1 meeting to review DIS2 ballot results
If DIS2 is approved and a final draft international standard (FDIS) is not required, ISO 45001 could be published as early as October/November 2017. In the case that an FDIS is required, publication is likely to occur in March 2018.
“Given that work on ISO 45001 first began in 2013, we are now working on a four-year timeline, and the ISO Central Secretariat has approved a nine-month extension,” said Steve Williams, external liaison member of ISO/PC 283 and LRQA systems and governance manager.
“This reinforces the importance of ISO 45001 and the significance of its applicability to organizations around the world.”