2 Responses

  1. Russell Whitney
    Russell Whitney at |

    I started on the 9001 lead auditor career path Mark describes in this article. When I went to the CBs, with a resume including many years of internal audit experience, they were not interested. Apparently a strong log of 2nd and 3rd party audits are what is needed to enter at this level. I was not daunted. I advertised my services, often at cost, to companies in my region and did not get any takers. I then did move on to other avenues of employment.

  2. Suby Sen
    Suby Sen at |

    I acquired a certification in quality management systems audit recently via SAI Global in Australia.
    I have a numbers of years experience as a certified internal auditor (CIA) of management systems in a variety of organisations.
    I am exploring opportunities in management systems auditing in certification bodies. I have emailed 9 top certification bodies already seeking guidance/support on how to progress my career in this line. I have not got a response yet.

    Can someone please let me know if you are in a position to hire me or connect me with professionals in this field who can help me progress my career ?

    I am happy to start at a level commensurate with my experience.


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