The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is seeking feedback on the latest revision of ISO/IEC Guide 14, Product Information for Consumers.
ISO/IEC Guide 14 provides general principles intended to make it easier for consumers to effectively compare products or services before buying them. The primary purpose of the guide is to advise those responsible for drafting national or international standards what information prospective purchasers require and expect. Additionally, the guide may assist those who write purchase information, such as suppliers, as well as enforcement authorities.
Although the draft guide doesn’t address conformity assessment, it does include the following changes from the second edition:
- An improved scope and introduction
- Inclusion of new purchase information labeling tools
- Relationship with ISO/IEC Guide 37, Instructions for use of consumer products and ISO/IEC Guide 41, Consumer needs in packaging
- Consideration of vulnerable persons’ product information needs
- Addition of information on recycling and used goods
- Improved treatment of risk, sustainability, and privacy issues
- Addition of new clauses on performance and conditions of use and dependability considerations
- Deletion of purchase information bodies and purchase information systems
Click here to view the draft of ISO/IEC Guide 14 on Product Information for Consumers.
Relevant stakeholders are invited to send comments on the draft by close of business January 6 to ANSI Senior Director of International Policy Steven Cornish at
Based on the input received, the ANSI ISO Council will be asked to approve an ANSI position and submit its comments to ISO before its April 7 deadline.