Cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a top priority for German companies, with the concern representing one of eight trends identified in TÜV Rheinland’s Cybersecurity Trends 2019 study.
TÜV Rheinland—a global leader in independent inspection services— has published the forecasts of its cybersecurity experts for the sixth time. In addition to the changing perception of cybersecurity risks, the cybersecurity trends report also focuses on the influence of cybercrime on operational technology and the Internet of Things, and the increasing threat of a shortage of skilled workers.
Cybersecurity concerns are exerting increased pressure on established companies. According to TÜV Rheinland, whether and to what extent the issue of cybersecurity is integrated into the decision-making process of a company’s management can be an indicator of a company’s maturity in dealing with cyber risks.
“Those who counter this business risk at management level minimize financial risks and possible damage to their image,” Wolfgang Kiener, a leading global expert responsible for threat management at TÜV Rheinland, said. “These are important prerequisites for safe and sustainable growth.”
“Companies not only protect themselves more efficiently with a lived cybersecurity culture, but also act faster and more innovatively.”
However, many companies still find it difficult to see the profitability of investing in cybersecurity. To counteract this, TÜV Rheinland’s experts believe that cybersecurity must be seen as an investment in the qualification of employees.
A representative survey commissioned by TÜV Rheinland in Germany shows that 41 percent of those surveyed have never received training on data protection or data security in their company. Conversely, almost 42 percent stated that it is already mandatory in their company to complete a training course on data protection or data security. If only the IT specialists among the respondents are considered, 60 percent state that such training is obligatory for them.
As a rule, a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is indispensable in companies with established cybersecurity. The CISO generally offers expert knowledge and can adapt structures in companies.
“Our Cybersecurity Trends 2019 and the results of the survey show that those responsible for data security and data protection need to establish comprehensive structures in companies. The goal: All employees become part of the safety concept—and ideally without any exceptions, regardless of their position or type of employment.”
The report also promotes comprehensive, regular, and compulsory training. In addition, a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy must be formulated. Based on this, executives can see how much they need to invest in cybersecurity to help their business minimize cybersecurity risks and grow sustainably.
Click here for more information about the Cybersecurity Trends 2019 study.