Presenter: Robert Freeman
Management system standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, etc. are written to serve as systems or platforms an organization can apply to support their effective self-management. As self-management is the intent, whether it is effective or not, the process used for assessing these standards or any set of requirements should also use techniques intended to verify self-management is taking place while also validating the effectiveness of that self-management. The goal of this presentation is to help the auditor understand how the purpose of the management system standard is applied within the organization, and why it should be an integral part of the methods used to assess that management system and the organization’s effectiveness. This session will outline the steps an auditor would consider when evaluating a management system, with the effectiveness of self-management being accounted for and used to aid in the overall conclusion regarding that system. It will also emphasize or highlight how to think about and complete the necessary tasks. By helping the auditor work through the series of events related to intentionally assessing the self-management of an organization, they can have a higher degree of confidence in the conclusions reached. This will also provide a higher degree of confidence in that management system by the organization and possibly their interested parties.