ASTM International will host a major meeting of four of its technical standards committees at the Prague Marriott Hotel in the Czech Republic, April 27–30. The event will also feature a workshop and a symposium.
The meeting includes committees focused on pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical product manufacturing (E55), primary barrier packaging (F02), general aviation aircraft (F44), and compatibility and sensitivity of materials in oxygen enriched atmospheres (G04). These groups will work to develop new standards and to update many of the nearly 200 standards already under their purview.
“ASTM International has more than 1,600 members in Europe who work through our committees to develop high-quality standards for a wide range of industries,” says Dan Smith, ASTM International’s vice president of technical committee operations. “We are pleased to be hosting such a large gathering that will draw experts from key industries and stakeholders in Europe and around the world.”
Coinciding with the meeting, the general aviation aircraft committee will sponsor a workshop on “post-impact conditions,” on Monday, April 27. Click here for more information.
Later that week (April 29 and 30), the compatibility and sensitivity of materials in oxygen enriched atmospheres committee will host the 15th International Symposium on Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres. Learn more here.
To learn more about the standards development meetings or to register, visit here.
Beyond the April events, ASTM International will also host the 17th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, May 10–15, in Lausanne (Switzerland), and the 10th International Workshop on Radiation Processing, June 21–25, also in Prague.