2 Responses

  1. Marvin "Mickey" Christensen
    Marvin "Mickey" Christensen at |

    Just a quick note on why I quit doing registrar audits and only do consulting and internal audits now. The registrar I was contracted with (I was not an employee) made changes to my contract that were going to reduce my daily rate of pay, add a lot of extra work for me to do which I was not going to get paid for, and reduced the amount of coverage for travel expenses.
    As a consultant I could make at least two times what this registrar wanted to pay me and at the same time they were upping their daily fee for their customers.
    The financial penalty was more than I was willing to accept.

  2. Jackie Stapleton
    Jackie Stapleton at |

    Looking forward to catching up with team members on the roadshow. Don’t forget Brisbane!


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