New ISO technical specification ISO/TS 34700:2016, Animal welfare management – General requirements and guidance for organizations in the food supply chain aims to ensure the welfare of farm animals across the supply chain.
ISO/TS 34700 will help the food and feed industry develop an animal welfare plan that aligns with the principles of the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE) Terrestrial Animal Health Code (TAHC). The standard is the culmination of a joint effort between ISO and the OIE following the signing of a cooperation agreement in 2011.
The technical specification intends to support the implementation of relevant practices to ensure animal welfare in livestock production systems, and will allow business operators in the food supply chain to demonstrate their commitment to animal welfare management.
The working group in charge of developing ISO/TS 34700, ISO/TC 34 WG 16, comprised more than 130 experts representing all regions of the world. The group included strong participation from developing countries and a range of stakeholders including private sectors, competent authorities, and nongovernmental organizations.
Dr. François Gary, convenor of ISO/TC 34 WG 16, said the first beneficiaries of ISO/TS 34700 will be business operators in the animal production food chain including farmers, livestock transport companies, and slaughterhouses.
“By creating a common vocabulary and a common approach to animal welfare management, this ISO technical specification will improve the needed dialogue between suppliers and customers within the food supply chain, especially between primary production and processing operators,” Gary said. “This will be a business-to-business tool.”
ISO/TS 34700 will serve as a helpful tool for the private sector and competent authorities alike to clear up discrepancies in the regulatory framework. Retailers, consumers, and NGOs with an interest in animal welfare protection will be indirect beneficiaries of ISO/TS 34700 as business operators demonstrate their animal welfare commitment.
OIE Director General Dr. Monique Eloit said ISO/TS 34700 will provide an important framework to support the implementation of the OIE’s international standards for animal welfare around the world.
“Consistent implementation of humane and ethical rearing conditions for animals provides certainty for farmers and producers, and confidence for consumers,” Eloit said.
ISO/TS 34700 will undergo systematic review in three years.