In partnership with the NSW Government and AustCyber, Standards Australia is pleased to launch the Recommendations Report of the NSW Cyber Security Standards Harmonisation Taskforce, which commenced in June last year.
The Taskforce, made up of industry leaders, government, and business representatives, has compiled a comprehensive list of recommendations that span key industries, including cloud, health, defense, education, and financial services.
Cybersecurity standards play a key role in improving the security of data, assets, systems, networks, and critical infrastructure. Well-developed, practical, and verifiable standards enable consistency and encourage competitiveness among developers and organizations.
“The digital age is bringing more social and economic opportunities for Australian industry, but with this increasing digital reliance also comes greater security sensitivities and risks,” says Adrian O’Connell, chief executive officer at Standards Australia. “With the report complete, we can now begin working collectively toward implementing these key recommendations.”
The report compiled by the Taskforce highlights priority areas for standards development and implementation. Importantly, it outlines how standards can contribute to building a resilient cyber infrastructure across sectors. It also delves into seven priority areas across Australian industry, with specific recommendations for each.
“This is not only about creating jobs, it’s about creating an industry and one we must lead,” says Victor Dominello MP, minister for customer service. “But as we strive towards this goal, we must ensure the correct privacy, security, and trust settings are built in—all wrapped around with ethics. The standard to which we hold our service delivery demands nothing less.”
Michelle Price, chief executive officer of AustCyber, says that standards are not a panacea.
“However, if used in combination with the latest advances in technology, and embedded across global supply chains, they can assist in guiding baseline cybersecurity requirements,” says Price. “This will help raise the posture of small to medium enterprises, organizations, and government agencies to compete in the Australian market and internationally. Ultimately, a globally competitive Australian cybersecurity sector will underpin the future success of every industry in the national economy.”
“Standards Australia is looking forward to continued collaboration with the NSW government, AustCyber, other Australian government agencies, and the broader taskforce in building stronger cybersecurity for Australian businesses,” concludes O’Connell.
In terms of next steps, the Taskforce is developing a publicly accessible list of standards relating to cybersecurity that span the seven priority sectors identified in the report. This will include a website that communicates the business benefits around the adoption of standards. The intention is that this will be an essential asset for boards, executives, and relevant decision-makers and help embed the work of the Taskforce into the economy.